Experience & Innovation
Flexible insulation
Wide range of flexible mono or multi-film insulation that can be impregnated with our resins, laminates, polymide base, NOMEX® (Dupont ™), glass mesh, intended mainly for electric motors, automotive alternators and dry transformers.Dimensional, mechanical and thermical choice possible.
Our expertise
SEG Manufacturer of dielectric insulators.
For more than 70 years, we have been designing, developing and producing a complete range of electrical insulators intended for a clientele of motor manufacturers, manufacturers of transformers, automotive suppliers (alternators, electronic modules, etc.), winders, and others. manufacturers of electrical components. SEG is the only French designer and manufacturer of dielectric products.
With a perfect control of the whole production line, we have a solid experience both on flexible insulators, and on liquid insulators, and on the fertility between the two, with our liquid insulators applied on our flexible insulators.
We supply the biggest players in the energy, rail and automotive equipment industry. We know how to adapt our production to meet the demands, even the most specific, of tailor-made!
Our factory is based near Montpellier in the south of France.
Our experience allows us to export the Made In France in 55 countries.
SEG, manufacturer of dielectric insulators, has joined the Movement The FrenchFab in 2017.
The French Fab is the new family name of French industry.
The French Fab embodies the overhaul of French industry.
An innovative industry, exporting and open to changes
brought by digital, new technologies and the green economy.
SEG, manufacturer of dielectric insulators, is adherent member of Aerospace Valley since 2018.
Aerospace Valley is a global competitiveness cluster founded in XNUMX, geographically focused on regions Occitania and New Aquitaine and thematically on aeronautics, space and on-board systems. The cluster is a member ofEuropean Aviation Clusters Partnership , aerospace association created in XNUMX by the European Commission.
Aerospace Valley has drawn up a strategic roadmap which explains, for each of its major market objectives, the research and development axes that will enable the needs of customers in aeronautics, space and onboard systems to be met.
The goal of Aerospace Valley is to keep the world leader in civil aeronautics, its European leader in space, and its position of excellence in on-board systems. To this end, it defines an industrial, research and training strategy, identifies and promotes partnership projects between its members, and carries out activities of animation, economic intelligence and communication.