Monthly Archives: April 2021

Put Colors in your Engines with seg.

    In an electric motor, as in an alternator, flexible insulators ensure the insulation between steel and copper. Whether it is at the bottom of a slot or in between phases, SEG offers you these customized laminates on demand.
    SEG, a wide choice of colors for your flexible insulation.
Put Colors in your Engines with seg.2021-04-23T10:38:30+02:00

Put colors in your engines with SEG

    In an electric motor, as in an alternator, flexible insulators provide insulation between steel and copper. Whether at the bottom of the notch or between phase, SEG offers you these personalized laminates on demand.
    SEG, a large choice of colors for your flexible insulation.

Put colors in your engines with SEG2021-04-22T10:00:06+02:00
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